Show your lungs some love on World Lung Day and the King’s Birthday - Institute for Respiratory Health

Show your lungs some love on World Lung Day and the King’s Birthday

Friday, September 22, 2023 | News

Today, on Monday 25 September, the Institute for Respiratory Health is excited to celebrate World Lung Day alongside the King’s Birthday and invites all Western Australians to make the most of this public holiday by showing their lungs some love.

“On average, every one of us will take 25,000 breaths a day, yet healthy lungs and the freedom to breathe freely is something we can often take for granted,” Professor Yuben Moodley from the Institute for Respiratory Health said.

“The reality is we need our lungs for every breath, every step and every moment of life’s journey. They provide the oxygen that we need for our cells to thrive.

“It’s only when taking a breath becomes hard to do that we become aware of the vital role our lungs play in our health. And for one in three Western Australians lung disease is a reality.  

“Life is busy but with the King’s Birthday we get to celebrate this special occasion with a public holiday and it’s the perfect opportunity to show our lungs some love,” Professor Moodley said.

“We’re asking the local community to step outside, get some exercise and breathe in some fresh air.  

“Visit King’s Park, take a walk around the beach or head up to the hills and take a moment to pause, take a deep breath and think about your lung health and the fact that you can breathe freely.”

The Institute for Respiratory Health advocates for healthy lungs for all through life-saving research. It wants to ensure no one is left behind and undertakes medical research and clinical trials in respiratory health to help find new treatments and diagnoses to improve the quality of life for those with lung conditions.

“Sadly, respiratory research is severely underfunded and outcomes for people with lung conditions have not improved over the past two decades. The burden of chronic lung conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer continue to grow,” Professor Moodley said.

“Our goal is to change this through awareness and life-changing respiratory research. As part of this we have just opened a new clinical trials centre in Midland to bring cutting-edge research and innovative treatments closer to the Midland community.”

If you want to find out more about the Institute’s game-changing research, collaborate or make a donation visit

Media contact:

Andrea Jones
Redhead Digital Marketing