World Clinical Trials Day: hope for COPD patients through new clinical trial - Institute for Respiratory Health

World Clinical Trials Day: hope for COPD patients through new clinical trial

Sunday, May 19, 2024 | News

For more than nine years, Jean Jolley has been battling COPD and emphysema, struggling to breathe each day. A new clinical trial conducted by the Institute for Respiratory Health in Midland offers hope, potentially making it easier for Jean to breathe.

Jean started participating in the clinical trial in September 2023 and says she’s experienced some positive results, including being able to perform household chores more effectively and having a better night’s sleep.

“I’m coughing less and do not wake up in the middle of the night with a coughing fit. It feels good to be able to sleep through the night,” Mrs Jolley said.

“The medication I’m taking seems to be working as I can do a lot more than I used to including carrying my shopping to the car. Before the trial, I couldn’t do this.”

This is the first research study Mrs Jolley has participated in. She wanted to take control of her health and help friends and family who might have the lung condition now or in the future. “I thought the findings of the research might help others,” Mrs Jolley said.

On World Clinical Trials Day, Monday 20 May, the Institute wants to highlight the importance of clinical trials and the incredible impact they have on advancing medical research and improving patient outcomes.

Emeritus Professor Geoff Stewart, director at the Institute said, “We’re pleased to see that the Australian Government has invested $18.8 million in the budget to help patients get early access to promising new treatments.”

The Institute for Respiratory Health has expanded its facilities to allow more people to participate in clinical trials research.  

“Our new clinical trial centre in Midland, which opened in September 2023, complements our existing centre in Nedlands at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research,” E/Professor Stewart said.

“This expansion is enabling us to reach and assist more Western Australians in their journey towards better lung health.

 “We couldn’t undertake our life-changing trials without wonderful volunteers like Jean, whose commitment is key to advancing lung health research and improving the quality of life for those with lung disease globally.”

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