Chidlow resident honours memory of hubby in HBF Run for a Reason - Institute for Respiratory Health

Chidlow resident honours memory of hubby in HBF Run for a Reason

Glennis Wilson, a 72-year-old Chidlow resident, is lacing up her runners in this year’s HBF Run for a Reason. She will walk 12kms on Sunday 19 May in honour of her late husband, Lindsay Wilson. Lindsay sadly passed away after battling Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and lung cancer 15 months ago.

“Running isn’t really my thing but I do love walking and belong to a few bushwalking groups and I know that 12kms will be achievable,” Glennis said.

“Lindsay always encouraged my walking, even when all he could manage was to sit up and read. I know he will be sitting on my shoulder as I take on this challenge to raise awareness and vital funds for this devastating disease.”

Lindsay, a big supporter of research and in helping others, actively participated in leading clinical trials with the Institute for Respiratory Health after being diagnosed. He also battled three lung cancers, one in the lower left lobe, then the upper right and then the lower right. Life was a whirlwind of appointments, assessments, medication and surgery.

“Lindsay was always determined and resilient. He took what life threw at him. After every medical appointment we would have a lunch date and he would have a pint of Guiness and I would enjoy a glass of wine. We made the most of the time we had together.” Glennis said.

“The last three months were really tough. It’s such a nasty disease, it’s like slow suffocation – that’s why research is so important so others don’t go through this suffering.

“The specialist care team were wonderful and were there with Lindsay and I throughout our whole journey, I don’t know what I would have done without them.

“The photo of Lindsay and I was taken in Bali, just six months before Lindsay passed away. It’s my favourite photo of us together and I will always cherish it.”

If you want to support Glennis with her fundraising efforts please visit

For more information about the respiratory research that the Institute for Respiratory Health undertakes visit –


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