How to stay healthy during Coronavirus - Institute for Respiratory Health

How to stay healthy during Coronavirus

Being in protective self-isolation is recommended for people over 60 with a chronic condition and although restrictions began to be lifted for the general population in June 2020, ask your GP or respiratory physician what is now suitable for your circumstances.

The extra time we have is a marvellous opportunity to be more regular with our exercise program so we can stay as healthy and fit as possible.


Here are some important messages about suitable exercises for people with a chronic lung condition during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been given the tick of approval by Nola Cecins, Senior Pulmonary Physiotherapist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

The presentation reminds us of the benefits of exercise, the importance to our overall health of reducing sitting time, and includes important warning signs to look out for. The exercises recommended are 20-30 minutes of walking daily, along with home exercises to strengthen our arms and legs. There are easy to follow diagrams, a sample exercise record chart and advice about finding the Goldilocks spot – the right number of exercise repetitions and right weight to lift.

It’s time to get moving!

Brought to you by L I F E, Lung Information and Friendship for Everyone