L I F E Christmas Party
L I F E Christmas Party
Please join us for our annual Christmas lunch
Wednesday, 5th December
12 noon-2.30pm
Level 2, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
QEII Medical Centre, 6 Verdun Street Nedlands
This year’s Christmas party will be partly catered and the costs will be shared by L I F E and the Institute for Respiratory Health.
Our main course will be supplied by caterers so it’s vital you RSVP as soon as possible.
Family and friends are welcome – but we need to know your numbers by 29 November.
Dessert: If you’d like to bring something sweet and celebratory for afters – please do.
RSVP essential by Thursday 29 Nov to Mary at mvfedele@bigpond.com or via phone on 9337 1286. Please advise Mary of any special dietary requirements.