Respiratory anatomy and physiology for physiotherapists

Respiratory anatomy and physiology for physiotherapists

Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology for Physiotherapists

This course will provide a detailed overview of thoracic and respiratory anatomy, physiology and function, and is suitable for all physiotherapists working in respiratory settings as well as those who want to improve their knowledge in this area.


Professor Paul Hodges
Professor & NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow
Director, NHMRC Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury & Health; School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland

Dr Conor Murray
Radiologist, RANZCR
Hon Research Fellow Telethon Kids Institute and Institute for Respiratory Health

Dr John Owens
Lecturer, Anatomy and Pathology
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University


$350 inc GST


Saturday 3rd August
8 am to 4 pm
Crown Towers, Great Eastern Highway Burswood


There are no prerequisites required to attend this course. For further information please contact Jamie Wood at

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